[ coincidencia ]
Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki

[ coincidencia ] / Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki
価格:¥2,000 (税抜)
規格番号:UKSL - 0004
01 Tokyo Buenos Aires
02 Little Star
03 Rain Drops
04 SJ2-2
05 Head Light
06 Kubrik
07 On the Boat
08 Taiyo Fu
09 Buenos Aires - Tokyo
ALL music written by Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki ( expect Tr 07 )
( Tr 07 On the Boat = Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki & Daikichi Yoshida )
- プロデュース 沢田穣治 (Unknown Silence)
- 沢田穣治 [ エレクトリックベース . コントラバス ]
- フェルナンド・カブサッキ [ エレクトリックギター ]
- 馬場孝喜 [ エレクトリックギター ]
- ヨシダダイキチ [ エレクトリックシタール ]
- 岡部洋一 [パーカッション ]
- 録音 + ミックス 松井 敬治 (echo & cloud studio)
- マスタリング 森崇 (Bosco Music. Unknown Silence)
- アートディレクション & デザイン
株式会社ハイファイカンパニー (水田十夢 & 入江澄穂)
- 写真 沢田穣治

Daikichi Yoshida
Electric Sitar
> > > プロフィール
Yoichi Okabe
> > > プロフィール
[ coincidencia ]
Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki

[ coincidencia ] / Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki
価格:¥2,000 (税抜)
規格番号:UKSL - 0004
01 Tokyo Buenos Aires
02 Little Star
03 Rain Drops
04 SJ2-2
05 Head Light
06 Kubrik
07 On the Boat
08 Taiyo Fu
09 Buenos Aires - Tokyo
ALL music written by Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki ( expect Tr 07 )
( Tr 07 On the Boat = Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki & Daikichi Yoshida )
Daikichi Yoshida
Electric Sitar
> > > プロフィール
Yoichi Okabe
> > > プロフィール
[ coincidencia ]
Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki

[ coincidencia ] / Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki
規格番号:UKSL - 0004
01 Tokyo Buenos Aires
02 Little Star
03 Rain Drops
04 SJ2-2
05 Head Light
06 Kubrik
07 On the Boat
08 Taiyo Fu
09 Buenos Aires - Tokyo
ALL music written by Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki ( expect Tr 07 )
( Tr 07 On the Boat = Jyoji Sawada & Fernando Kabusacki & Daikichi Yoshida )
- プロデュース 沢田穣治 (Unknown Silence)
- 沢田穣治 [ エレクトリックベース . コントラバス ]
- フェルナンド・カブサッキ [ エレクトリックギター ]
- 馬場孝喜 [ エレクトリックギター ]
- ヨシダダイキチ [ エレクトリックシタール ]
- 岡部洋一 [パーカッション ]
- 録音 + ミックス 松井 敬治 (echo & cloud studio)
- マスタリング 森崇 (Bosco Music. Unknown Silence)
- アートディレクション & デザイン
株式会社ハイファイカンパニー (水田十夢 & 入江澄穂)
- 写真 沢田穣治
コントラバスを筆頭に多彩な楽器を駆使し、南米音楽からポップス、映画音楽からインプロビゼーションまで独自の音世界を遊泳する沢田穣治と、アルゼンチン音響派の旗手……という枕詞も今やすっかり不要なほど、ギタリストとして確固たるポジションを築き上げたフェルナンド・カブサッキ。日本におけるアルゼンチン音響派の受容、その最初期から互いを知る2人が2013年に何度目かの邂逅を果たし、いずれ劣らぬ手練れの3プレイヤー(馬場孝喜electric guitar、ヨシダダイキチelectric sitar、岡部洋一percussions)とともに、(沢田の回想によれば)わずか一日で作り上げたのが本作『coincidencia』である。時間をいたずらに遅延させない(ポップ・ミュージックと呼びたくなるほどの)潔さと、立ち現れては消えゆくパノラミックな音の風景を封じ込めた、この2人の対峙からしか生じえない世界がここにある。録音から7年の時を経てのリリースとなったこの異色作にして意欲作はいかにして日の目をみたのか。沢田自身の言葉でその過程を辿ってみよう。
「それもあってカブサッキとは少し疎遠になってたんだけど、今年になって彼らが来日したときに京都のミュージシャンたちが機会を作ってくれて、久しぶりに共演したんです(2月13日「フェルナンド・カブサッキSHIGA sessions」@近江八幡・酒游舘)。そこでまた話をして、お互いに気持は全然変わってないことが確認できたから、ぜひ出したいなと」
----アルバムは「Tokyo - Buenos Aires」で始まり、「Buenos Aires - Tokyo」で終わります。
取材・構成=安藤誠/LAND FES
Tokyo = Buenos Aires.
Round-trip letter of sound that weaves by chance and certainty
Making full use of various musical instruments such as contrabass, Jyoji Sawada swims in a unique sound world from South American music to pop music, film music and improvisation.
The word "leader of the Argentine Electronica" is no longer necessary for Fernando Kabusacki who has established a solid position as a guitarist. Since the acceptance of the Argentine Electronica in Japan, two people who knew each other from the early time met several times in 2013. With three expert players (Takayoshi Baba electric guitar, Yoshida Daikichi electric sitar, Yoichi Okabe percussions), this work ‘coincidencia’ was created in just one day (according to Sawada's recollection). With cleanliness of not delaying time unnecessarily, which I want to call as "pop music", and containing the landscape of panoramic sounds that appear and disappear, here is a world that can only arise from the confrontation of these two people. How did this unique and ambitious work, which was released seven years after recording, see the light of day? Let's follow the process in Sawada's own words.
---- About the encounter with the Argentina Electronica
I think it was the first time around year 2000 that my best friend Tomoko Kiriishi (music writer / musician, who passed away in 2003) listened to Mono Fontana and Juana Molina.
It remains me of the image that I listened to while sitting upright with Seiichi Yamamoto (laughs). It was shocking. I think we are the first in Japan to listen to them seriously. After that, Mr. Yamamoto went to Argentina for ROVO and actively worked to make them known to the world. Meanwhile, I grew up in myself for a long time. The difference between dynamic and static.
---- How did you come to this production?
"I met her when Juana Molina first came to Japan in the organic groove in 2002. That was the first time I played with Alejandro and Kabusacki. At the time, Uplink invited Simon Fisher Turner and had many opportunities to work with ambient works. So, I invited him casually and did a concert without notice. At that time, I wasn't very close to Kabusacki, but for some reason I started to keep in touch. We've been talking to each other that we want to do something, and in 2013, this work realized. After that, the jacket and mastering were finished for the release (laughs).
---- It's been 7 years?
"For that reason, I was a little estranged from Kabusacki, but when they came to Japan this year, Kyoto musicians created an opportunity to co-star for the first time in a while. (February 13 "Fernando Kabusacki SHIGA sessions" @ Oumihachiman,Shuyukan).
We talked again there and confirmed that our feelings hadn't changed at all, so I definitely want to put out the work.”
---- The album starts with "Tokyo --Buenos Aires" and ends with "Buenos Aires --Tokyo".
"The title means coincidence in English, but if I give it a Japanese title, it would be a" round-trip letter. The image is that the sound becomes a letter and goes back and forth between the musicians while playing. From that delivery, something wonderful happens to be born. The titles of the first and last songs were given with an awareness of the relationship between Kabusacki and me, and the sense of distance between the two who usually live on the other side of the globe.”
---- This time, all the members except percussion are string instruments, aren’t they?
“All stringed instruments (laughs). Kabusacki originally loved guitar ensembles, and when he came to Japan, he also gathered guitarists in Kansai to do ensembles. There were some roles that were divided, but basically there were many improvisational elements, and the ensemble consisted of two guitars and an electric sitar, so depending on the piece, I focused on the ambient-like sound rather than playing it, and I tried not to sound like a bass. But actually, in all pieces, I was playing the bass (laughs).”
----There is a stoic image for Kabusacki but what about in the real field?
"He is stoic. Also, he is a wonderful person who has own sounds he claims, but he always has the attitude to accept the other sounds. He is really natural person."
Interview / Composition = Makoto Ando / LAND FES
英訳 : Kei

Jyoji Sawada
Erectric Bass, ContraBass
Fernando Kabusacki
Erectric Guitar
Takayoshi Baba
Erectric Guitar
Daikichi Yoshida
Electric Sitar
> > > プロフィール
Yoichi Okabe
> > > プロフィール